So as I returned this evening to my apartment I heard the door in the garage closing. I frantically pushed the elevator button (yes, I finally learned how to use the elevator) to avoid whom ever would likely be calling the elevator after me. Why, you ask? Because I'm a chicken shit and am here to practice spanish but freak out when I actually have to speak to anyone.
Alas - so much for the best laid plans. The elevator first grabs me, then proceeds to the basement to fetch an older gentleman, who just happens to live in the other apartment on my floor. I believed he said six (6) to me in english so I ask, in spanish, if he speaks english. He says no and then asks if I speak catalan or spanish. I won't bore you with the details but suffice it to say the painfully slow elevator ride was actually enjoyable and filled with conversation.... in spanish! How great!
And the reason from which I was returning was I had decided to enjoy a glass of wine in the early evening and read my book. During this a gnat, not a fly, decided to partake in my chardonnay. I initially felt compelled to smash him but then realized he just wanted a quick sip and to fly (sideways, I imagined) back home for a good nights rest.
Oh how perfect days can created by such simple things.
I hope the post title makes sense! :)
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